Tuesday 11 March 2014

Today in Mary's class we had to write an essay, I didn't really care for it so I wrote a poem instead.
I got really bored so I decided to put it on here:

A warm summer breeze glided lazily along the tall grass.
Morning dew glistened and sparkled lightly in the sunrise.
There was complete silence, save it be for the awaking of birds and slight rustling of tree blossoms.
The sky was an array of colours, changing quickly with undescribable vividness.
I turned away from the remarkable view to find something equally as appealing,
A girl was standing alone, motionless, entranced by the beauty of the natural scenery.
I couldn't stop myself from staring.
She was effortlessly beautiful, an innocent maiden able to be mistaken for an angel or goddess.
I walked slowly towards her, careful not to turn her attention from the heavenly image.
As I drew nearer, I intentionally made my presence known.
She smiled and drew her eyes from the hypnotizing view, then, in two simple words, she described everything flawlessly.
"Good Morning."


  1. Wow that is an incredible poem Colin! I had no idea you were so talented.

  2. This is very inspirational, I really admire your work. You boy have a talent. Listen to your heart and follow your dreams, you will b e a poet if you put your mind to it.

  3. It's a good thing I don't want to be a poet...or know anyone that would

  4. You really do have a way with words Colin! Keep up the excellent work and stay awesome man!!!!

  5. This is a beautiful poem Colin!! The imagery is amazing! I can picture the beauty of the morning.
